Course curriculum

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    Introduction to CostPerform's ETL function

    • Disclaimer

    • 1. Welcome to the ETL training course.

    • 2. Understanding the principle of Costperform's ETL function.

    • 3. Understanding the interface.

    • 4. Download and unzip the training files.

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    Simple conversions

    • Lesson 1. Read and complete the inputfile by a lookup.

    • Lesson 2. Aggregate a transaction file to an input file with unique symbols.

    • Lesson 3. Using filters.

    • Lesson 4. Fill incomplete records.

    • Lesson 5. Add and edit a column.

    • Lesson 6. Map the headers of a file with the correct ones.

    • Lesson 7. Split and sort.

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    Advanced conversions.

    • Lesson 8. Matrix conversion element.

    • Lesson 9. Edit multiple columns.

    • Lesson 10. How or split a text value.

    • Lesson 11. Join datasources.

    • Lesson 12. Merge datasources.

    • Lesson 13. Filter unique combinations of column values from a file.

    • Lesson 14. Validation of records.

    • Lesson 15. Sophisticated data manipulation using Decision table.

    • Lesson 16. Combine a lookup, column editor and aggregate in one chain.

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    Advanced options with the ETL

    • Lesson 17. How to use an ETL chain in a task list?

    • Lesson 18. Using parameters in your chains

    • Lesson 19. Passing parameters from a task to your chain.

    • More advanced options but not covered in this training.