Course curriculum

    1. 1. Welcome

    2. 2. Welcome to the magical world of CostPerform

    3. 3. Some terminology and interface explanation

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1. Create your first cost model

    3. Lesson 2. Populate the model with layers

    4. Lesson 3. Populate the model with products

    5. Lesson 4. Populate the model with resources

    6. Lesson 5. Input costs on the resources

    7. Lesson 6. Connect the objects: insert allocations

    8. Lesson 7. Insert other allocations

    9. Lesson 8. Calculate the model

    10. Lesson 9. Navigate your model

    11. Lesson 10. Show me the unit costs.

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1. Copy the period

    3. Lesson 2. Insert the volumes sold

    4. Lesson 3. Insert the units for the resources

    5. Lesson 4. Insert the volumes of resources used and calculate

    6. Lesson 5. Questions; Show me the costs and unit costs of the product

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1. Let’s make the model Pull: step 1

    3. Lesson 2. Let’s make the model Pull, step 2: drivers

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1. Let’s make a distribution, step 1

    3. Lesson 2. Let’s make a distribution, step2

    1. Introduction

    2. Lesson 1. Let’s make a conditional distribution

About this course

  • Free
  • 64 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content